Friday, January 25, 2008

Old Hymns and Songs (Part I)

I have been unable to find on the internet the words to a number of songs & hymns I heard long ago. I’d kind-of like to see an exchange of such things; I’m sure someone somewhere knows some of them. I was trying unsuccessfully to find one for my sister last week. The song begins something like this: “All the Savior’s glory mind can never measure Nor the tongue of man define” and the chorus is made up of stuff like “Fairer than the morning, brighter than the noonday” and “sweeter than the bird’s song, lovelier than the sunset.” I tried all of these phrases in a search and could not locate the song. Another song I couldn’t find – although I know most of the words to it, and did find snatches of it embedded in sermons was “The Old-Fashioned Meeting.”

An Easter song that “No one knows but us” according to my sister couldn’t be found on the internet, but fortunately, I have access to both words and music. The title is “Jesus, the Crucified, Reigns”.

It goes as follows:

Gone is the night of repining,
Vanished forever its gloom;
Hope’s blessed sunlight is shining
Through the dark shades of the tomb.

Send out the wonderful tidings
Over the mountains and plains!
Jesus, the Lord, is triumphant!
Jesus, the Crucified, reigns!

Death he has robbed of its terror,
Banished the gloom of the grave;
Vanquished the kindom of error,
Risen all nations to save.


Mountains his praises are voicing;
Valleys triumphantly ring;
Millions of souls, with rejoicing,
Crown him their Savior and King!


Does anyone who is reading this blog know of any old, not well known, songs or hymns? Let’s hear about them! Later I will post some children’s songs that I learned from my parents.

(Originally posted August 8, 2006)

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