Friday, January 25, 2008

My very last motorcycle ride

Last summer, we went out for ice cream twice, with me on the back of my son's motorcycle. The first time, to the tourist trap about a mile down the hill, later, to one about 6 or 8 miles away. Tonight we went again, to the one down the hill. Mike had to drive the motorcycle up to the porch step for me to get on, and when we got down there, he kept leaning the bike further & further over for me to get off. The ice cream place is almost next to the post office, and along the drive out of the post office, there is a stone curb. Mike drove over there for me to get back on, and when we got back home, up next to the porch step to get off. At one point, I nearly fell, then managed to grasp the hand railing which was closer to his end of the bike, and I managed to get off safely. We both agreed - this is the last time! I know my arthritis has been getting worse, but I didn't realize it was that bad. Last year I was able to get on the bike with relative ease.

(Originally posted June 30, 2006)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.