Tuesday, October 6, 2009

October Already!

I am getting lazy about my blog. I have had things I could have written about, but just don’t think about it when the opportunity is at its best.

The news about baby Svana is still good. She is going to need back surgery some time in the future, but as far as I know, she is doing fine otherwise.

Monthly features:
October 10 – My son Mike
October 27 – My brother-in-law Tony
My great-great-niece Emmah also has an October birthday, but I don’t know the day.

The October “Magnacalendar” :
Magnacalendar images:October

I started this several days ago, intending to post it on Saturday. I’ve been kinda sick, and not up to doing much thinking.

I went to a dinner at the Richardsville Social Center on Saturday before Labor Day. Saw a lot of the new friends I had made at the Richardsville Road get-together last year.

Last Sunday we had a carry-in dinner for pastor appreciation Sunday. I got to the church, and realized I didn’t have my purse. I wound up having to borrow $5 to put a little gas in my car.

I changed my car insurance, and I’m saving nearly $400 a year, and have better coverage. I was putting my new insurance cards in my car, and I found a bank envelope in the glove compartment with $2 in it. I know I never put that there. It has the last name of the previous owner of the car on it – and I’ve had this car for 6 years now!

This week is our high school reunion – #55. We will be meeting informally at one of the homes on Friday night. The reunion dinner is Saturday night at the Country Club. One of our members will be serving a lunch to any interested on Saturday at noon. I won’t likely go. In any case, more than anything, it’s for the convenience of those who come from out-of-town. They also have a brunch on Sunday morning, which I never attend, since I’m in church at that time.

My brother’s high school reunion was in the local paper last week, and they had his name wrong.

On top of all this, I get to go to work Saturday morning! Hooray! (NOT!) We were supposed to go in every quarter to see that the secretary was keeping stuff in order so the audit would go more smoothly next year. But she couldn't “find stuff”, and this is the first time we’re getting to check it out – should have been in June. This will go toward next year’s audit. I think they need to start looking for a new secretary for the township.

Edit to update birthdays: Emmah's is the 23rd - and the same date is also my great-nephew Alex's; he's Emmah's uncle.