Friday, January 25, 2008


Lily and I were discussing setting up a web site for family memories. The idea was ignited from the Wensley web site, which was started when Mary Ellen's cancer became advanced, and they wanted to provide memories for and about her. We're not sure how many of the family would be willing/able to contribute; some don't have internet access, and others are limited with their computer literacy (or lack thereof).

Anyway, I thought I'd share a memory from my way-background. I've talked about this with Middy (Mildred), and she thinks I'm only remembering what people told me. But I'm remembering what nobody else even knew about this incident. I must have been about 3 years old at the time, when I wandered off, probably about 1/2 mile, stopped at at neighbor's house, went in and lay down on the sofa and took a nap. That part I didn't remember, nor, as the family told me, that I had taken off my panties! Nor did I remember, when my big half-brother Paul came to get me, saying, "Paul, the dog peeked out." I do remember walking home with Paul, holding his finger. And what nobody else knew was the reason for my little escapade. I was standing up against the wall near my mother, who was sitting down and working at something. I was singing, "Bring Them In." My mother said to me, "You'll have to sing that for Aunt Nan." I took her very literally, and set off toward Aunt Nan's home, so I could sing for her. I was on the right track, but apparently the distance was far too much for a 3-year-old!

(Originally posted January 29, 2007)

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