Friday, January 25, 2008


Katy is my great niece. She was born in India in September of 1984, and was adopted by my nephew Paul and his wife Dawn when she was 4 years old. This summer, she became violently ill and was subsequently diagnosed with Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome. She had been improving drastically for a while, but when taken off a very strong medication for pain, she soon started deteriorating again. A couple of days ago she returned to the hospital. She is an amazing young lady; I have never met her myself, but I feel I have come to know her through reading the blog her uncle set up to track her progress. Click on the link and meet Katy and her family! (site name has been changed)

(Originally posted October 12, 2006)

Blogger's note - since this was originally published, a new blog has been created, and the posts are being gradually moved to The section called Katy's Musings is being/has been transferred to

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