Wednesday, February 17, 2010

How the Church Hinders the Kingdom of God - Part VII

VII. Missing Golden Opportunities

Acts 8:26-38


I think there are trhe reasons why we miss God-given opportunities.

We have our own hurts and needs to contend with.

People are great actors.
They are very good at hiding their needs.

The pace of our lives.

Five practical lessons:

Lesson #1 – Some opportunities, if they are missed, will be lost forever.

Every morning, before you get too deep into your day, you need to ask God to open your eyes and help you recognize whatever divine appointments He has set up for you.

Lesson #2 – God will give special opportunities to those who are committed and prepared.

The single most important thing you can do to prepare yourself to be used by God is study the scriptures.
II Timothy 2:15 – Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
Listen to the Word preached and taught.

Lesson #3 – Some opportunities are much larger than they first appear.

We must remember there are no small opportunities.

Lesson #4 – Some opportunities bear immediate fruit for the kingdom.

“You probably rub shoulders with a dozen people every day who hate their lives an d would be willing to try something different in a heartbeat. . .if they only knew what to try.”

Lesson #5 – The goal of every opportunity should be to point people to Jesus.

People should see and hear Jesus in all we do and say.


A story is told of a Dutch woman named Greta who had a severe stroke; the only movement she could make was to blink her eyes. But even so, in her last days in the hospital, she led 2 people to the Lord.

The secret to advancing the cause of Christ is not talent or ability. It’s not youth, good health, or good looks. It’s not even wit or intelligence.

It’s passion.

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