Friday, January 25, 2008

"Oh, Make Me Clean!"

This hymn was brought to my mind because I have been studying some books about the theology promoted by John Wesley, which, for ease of reference, bears his name, although it did not originate with him. This hymn itself probably (based on what I have read so far) does not reflect this theology as Wesley himself would have expounded it, but its terminology and usage is quite common in Wesleyan circles. Another point about this song – it was written by George W. Bennard, who is better known for having written a very well known hymn – “The Old Rugged Cross.”

Oh, Make Me Clean

1. With aching heart and spirit sore destressed,
I came to Thee, and Thou didst give me rest;
Now, Lord, I pray and long with deep desire
To be made clean by Thy refining fire.

Chorus – for vs. 1&2
Oh, make me clean, Oh, make me clean,
Mine eyes Thy holiness have seen.
Oh, send the burning, cleansing flame,
And make me clean in Jesus’ name.

2. I hate the sin which grieves Thy loving heart;
Speak, precious, Lord, and bid it all depart;
Thy temple cleanse, and make my heart Thy home;
Come, King of kings, and reign Thyself alone.

(Chorus – for vs. 1&2)

3. Dear Lamb of God, I yield my all to Thee.
Thine, wholly Thine, forevermore to be;
Now in my heart I feel the sacred flame,
He makes me clean, oh, glory to his name!

Chorus – v 3
He makes me clean, He makes me clean,
Mine eyes the glorious King have seen;
Just now I feel the sacred flame,
Oh, glory to His precious name!

I couldn’t find this anywhere on the internet, so I have no way to let you see or hear the music.

(Originally posted January 12, 2008)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hate the sin which grieves thy loving heart: speak, precious, Lord, and bid it all depart: thy temple cleanse, and make my heart thy home..come kind of kings and reign thyself loving memories..
